Candle burning bright

Candle above fireplace

Dear Mother,

A solitary candle burns above the fireplace and Candlehearth Hall is named after it. The innkeeper, Elda Early-Dawn, gladly tells anyone who is interested about the legend behind the candle. She says that one hundred and sixty-three years ago, Candlehearth Hall was the home of a great warrior called Vundheim. One day, Vundheim fell in battle. Upon receiving news of Vundheim’s death, his son Deroct lit a candle in his honor. That candle continued burning until this very day. Nobody knows why.

J’Zhirr sees the candle when he sits by the fireplace to warm up from the cold and snow outside. Sometimes when he drinks his ale and chews on his bread, he wonders. A candle is always burning above the fireplace, but is it the same candle or it gets replaced every night? Nobody knows and Elda is not telling. But it is a good story and no doubt helps to spread the tavern’s name all over Skyrim.